City Bus Route No. 38 From Maliya to Da’ahiya in Kuwait Timetables, Maps, Schedules, Frequency
City Bus Route No. 38 Maliya to Da’ahiya in Kuwait Ticket Fares
Service Available in City Bus, Kuwait
- Regular Service
- Express Service
- Airport Service
For more detail about City Bus Kuwait services, please visit here
How to buy Bus Pass (Daily pass, Weekly pass, Monthly pass) in City Bus, Kuwait?
- To get bus pass on the bus or from your nearest bus pass office
- Renew bus pass on the bus
- Monthly pass 15 KD
- CityBus provides daily pass, weekly pass, monthly single route pass, monthly all routes pass, or 3 months pass.
Stops Covered by City Bus Route No.38 Maliya to Da’ahiya
- Maliya
- Fahad Al Salem St.
- Darwazah
- Mubarak Al Kabeer St.
- Shuhada St.
- Istiqlal
- 3 rd Ring Rd.
- Tunis St.
- Canary Hawally
- Jabriya Coop
- Bayan Coop
- Mishref Coop
- Da’ahiya Sabah Al Salem
City Bus Route No.38: From Maliya to Da’ahiya Route Map
How to buy bus tickets in City Bus?
- To buy single and Day pass tickets get on the bus
List of City Bus Routes in Kuwait
View the List of Bus Routes in Kuwait Timetables, Maps, Schedules through the above link.
Download City Bus App on Google Play/ Play Store
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