Bus Route 40X: Cable car/the second ascent to T. The Gulf exchange/download Bus Stops
- cable car/the second ascent
- The second ascent/Elisha
- The second ascent/slingers
- The second ascent/Nahlal
- Aliyah/Second Aliyah School
- Rambam’s Bible/the second ascent
- The Navy/The Second Ascensio
- Dolphin Junction
- Avner/Haganah
- IDF/Amal
- IDF/Nil’i
- IDF/Dror
- Chahal/Rothschild
- Italian Hospital/The Defenders
- The defenders/Ben Gurion
- Bo Gurion/The Defender
- Ben Gurion/Allenby
- The vine/Ben Gurion
- The vine/prizes
- Herzliya/Zionism
- Herzliya/The Prophets
- Carmelit/Hanaviim station
- the municipality
- Lev Hadar
- Talpiot Market
- Khalisa
- The heroes/heroic square
- The electricity/heroes
- The electricity/Dov Gruner
- The Electricity/Carmeli Division
- the electricity
- Yaakov Dori/21st Battalion Bridge
- Yaakov Dori/Mashash
- Rabbi Yosef Mashash/Neva Ganim
- Neve Ganim
- Neve Ganim/Carmeli Division
- Carmeli Division A
- Carmeli Division B
- Carmeli Brigade C
- Carmeli Division D
Bus Route 40X: Cable car/the second ascent to T. The Gulf exchange/download Bus Route Map
List of Bus Routes in Jerusalem, Israel
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