Fullington Daily Bus Line No: FAB 770 Harrisburg → Scranton Frequency Timetable
Running lines: Harrisburg – Scranton
To know about bus schedule updates, please contact: 800-942-8287 / 814-238-1100
Fullington Trailways Emergency Service Contacts
Emergency After Hours: 814-574-1827
Tours, Charters, VIP Division: 814-355-4900
Lost & Found Items: 814-355-4900
Fullington Line FAB 770: Harrisburg → Scranton Bus Stops
- Harrisburg, Pa
- Pottsville (E), Pa
- Hazleton, Pa
- Wilkes Barre, Pa
- Scranton, Pa
Fullington Trailways Bus Line No: FAB 10 Runs between Harrisburg → Scarnton Stops Location / Arrive & Depart Timings / Type of Stops
Location | Arrive/Depart | Type Of Stop |
Harrisburg, PA Harrisburg Transportation Center 411 Market Street |
Depart: 11:30 AM | IF, BT, T |
Pottsville, PA Intercity Bus Terminal 300 S. Center Street |
Depart: 12:45 PM | SR |
Hazleton, PA Hazleton Transportation Center 126 W. Mine Street |
Depart: 1:30 PM | IF, BT, T |
Wilkes-Barre, PA Martz Bus Terminal Rear 47 S. Washington Street |
Depart: 2:15 PM | IF, BT, T |
Scranton, PA Martz Bus Terminal 30 Lackawanna Avenue |
Arrive: 2:45 PM | IF, BT, T |
Fullington Line FAB 770: Harrisburg → Scarnton Bus Route Map
Fullington Trailways Customer care phone number, email, address
List of Bus Routes / Lines of Fullington Trailways
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