Hong Kong Island CTB Route / Line: 8 runs between Heng Fa Chuen ↔ Exhibition Centre station and Vice Versa Frequency Timetable
CTB (Citybus) Route 8: Heng Fa Chuen -> Exhibition Centre station Bus Stops
- 史釗域道 Stewart Rd.
- 杜老誌道 Tonnochy Road
- 崇光百貨 Sogo Department Store
- 維多利亞公園 Victoria Park
- 興發街 Hing Fat Street
- 明華大廈 Ming Wah Dai Ha
- 阿公岩道 A Kung Ngam Road
- 鯉魚門公園 Lei Yue Mun Park
- 大潭道 Tai Tam Road
- 東區醫院 Eastern Hospital
- 高威閣 Koway Court
- 灣景園 Bayview Park
- 康翠臺 Greenwood Terrace
- 祥達中心 Cheung Tat Centre
- 柴灣工廠邨 Chai Wan Industrial Estate
- 金源洋樓 Gold Mine Building
- 漁灣邨 Yue Wan Estate
- 翠灣邨 Tsui Wan Estate
- 香港專業教育學院(柴灣分校) Hkive (Chai Wan)
- 杏花邨總站 Heng Fa Chuen B/T
Bus route 8: Exhibition Centre station to Heng Fa Chuen Route Map
CTB (Citybus) Route 8: Exhibition Centre -> Heng Fa Chuen station Bus Stops
- 杏花新城(東翼) Heng Fa Paradise Mall (East)
- 城巴柴灣車廠 Citybus Chai Wan Depot
- 柴灣工業城 Chai Wan Industrial City
- 樂軒臺 LOK Hin Terrace
- 環翠商場 Wan Tsui Shopping Centre
- 利眾街 Lee Chung Street
- 康翠臺 Greenwood Terrace
- 康民工業中心 Hong Man Industrial Centre
- 天主教海星堂 Star Of the Sea Catholic Church
- 興民邨 Hing Man Estate
- 山翠苑 Shan Tsui Court
- 筲箕灣東官立中學 Shau Kei Wan East Government Secondary School
- 阿公岩道 A Kung Ngam Rd.
- 永興街 Wing Hing Street
- 香港中央圖書館 Hong Kong Central Library
- 怡和街 Yee Wo Street
- 北海中心 Cnt Tower
- 軒尼詩道官立小學 Hennessy Rd. Government Primary School
- 會展站總站 Exhibition Centre Station B/T
List of Bus Routes / Lines in Hong Kong
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