Luxembourg LNB from Canach to Machtum Schedule, Maps, Frequency, Bus Stops, Timetables

LNB: Runs between Canach to Machtum Schedule, Maps, Frequency, Bus Stops, Timetables in Luxembourg

Lines Runs: Luxembourg – Canach – Lenningen – Ehnen – Wormeldange – Ahn – Machtum

No.of Stops: 20

LNB: Canach → Machtum Bus Stops

  • Luxembourg Roosevelt (Quai 1)
  • Luxembourg Amélie (Quai 1) 
  • Luxembourg Badanstalt (Quai 1) 
  • Clausen Clausener Bréck (Quai 1)
  • Kirchberg Alphonse Weicker (Quai 1) 
  • Canach Huehlgaass
  • Canach Weber
  • Canach Post 
  • Lenningen Basilika 
  • Ehnen Puddel 
  • Ehnen Lehboesch 
  • Wormeldg.-Haut Koerch 
  • Wormeldg.-Haut Hiehl
  • Wormeldange Gewân 
  • Wormeldange Geméen
  • Wormeldange Op der Bréck 
  • Ahn Bei der Musel 
  • Ahn Alphonse Steinès 
  • Machtum Ongkaf 
  • Machtum 

LNB: Canach → Machtum Bus Timetable

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View Luxembourg LNB from Canach to Machtum Schedule, Maps, Frequency, Bus Stops, Timetables

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