Yolobus USA Bus Route 138 starts from Causeway Connection (UC Davis/Med Center) to Causeway Connection (UC Davis/Med Center)
Route 138 Routes and Stops:
Yolobus USA Bus Route 138 starts from Silo Terminal through Genome Facility (GBSF), Mondavi Center, U.C.D. Medical Center, Silo Terminal, Genome Facility (GBSF), Mondavi Center, U.C.D. Medical Center.
Silo Terminal (eastbound) | 06:07 | 07:07 | 08:07 | 09:10 | 10:10 | 11:10 | 12:10 | 01:10 | 02:10 | 03:10 | 04:10 | 05:10 | 06:10 | 07:10 | 08:10 |
Genome Facility (GBSF) (eastbound) | 06:11 | 07:11 | 08:11 | 09:14 | 10:14 | 11:14 | 12:14 | 01:14 | 02:14 | 03:14 | 04:14 | 05:14 | 06:14 | 07:14 | 08:14 |
Mondavi Center (eastbound) | 06:18 | 07:18 | 08:18 | 09:21 | 10:21 | 11:21 | 12:21 | 01:21 | 02:21 | 03:21 | 04:21 | 05:21 | 06:21 | 07:21 | 08:21 |
U.C.D. Medical Center (eastbound) | 06:43 | 07:42 | 08:43 | 09:46 | 10:46 | 11:46 | 12:46 | 01:46 | 02:46 | 03:55 | 04:48 | 05:48 | 06:45 | 07:45 | 08:45 |
Silo Terminal (westbound) | 06:55 | 07:47 | 08:47 | 09:45 | 10:45 | 111:45:00 | 12:45 | 01:45 | 02:45 | 03:50 | 04:50 | 06:00 | 06:55 | 07:55 | 08:55 |
Genome Facility (GBSF) (westbound) | 06:50 | 07:42 | 08:42 | 09:40 | 10:40 | 11:40 | 12:40 | 01:40 | 02:40 | 03:45 | 04:45 | 05:55 | 06:50 | 07:50 | 08:50 |
Mondavi Center (westbound) | 06:45 | 07:37 | 08:37 | 09:35 | 10:35 | 11:35 | 12:35 | 01:35 | 02:35 | 03:40 | 04:40 | 05:50 | 06:45 | 07:45 | 08:45 |
U.C.D. Medical Center (westbound) | 06:20 | 07:10 | 08:10 | 09:10 | 10:10 | 11:10 | 12:10 | 01:10 | 02:10 | 03:10 | 04:10 | 05:20 | 06:20 | 07:20 | 08:20 |
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Yolobus USA Route 138 Official Website: https://yolobus.com/route/route-138/
List of Yolobus USA Routes and Schedules, Frequency, Timing
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