Yolobus USA Bus Route 42B Intercity Loop Counterclockwise (Airport Service): Timetables, Maps, Schedules, Frequency

Yolobus USA Bus Route 42B starts from County Fair Mall to Sacramento International Airport

Yolobus USA Bus Route 42B starts from County Fair Mall in Woodland, through Davis, West Sacramento, Downtown Sacramento, Sacramento International Airport, and ending back again at County Fair Mall in Woodland

Route 42B Routes and Stops:

Woodland –>SMF Airport –> Sacramento –> West Sacramento–>Davis–>Woodland

The new trips for the January 15, 2023 service schedule

Yolobus USA Bus Route 42B Schedule, Frequency, Timing for Weekdays (Monday to Friday) and Saturdays , Sunday / Public Holidays

County Fair Mall Depart 5:20 5:50 6:20 6:50 7:20 7:50 8:35 9:20 10:05 10:50 11:35 12:20 1:05 1:50 2:35 3:20 3:50 4:20 4:50 5:20 5:50 6:35 7:20 8:05 8:50 9:35 10:20
Anderson & Hanover 5:34 6:04 6:34 7:04 7:34 8:04 8:49 9:34 10:19 11:04 11:49 12:34 1:19 2:04 2:49 3:34 4:04 4:34 5:04 5:34 6:04 6:48 7:33 8:18 9:03 9:48 10:33
UC Davis Memorial Union 5:43 6:13 6:43 7:13 7:43 8:11 8:56 9:41 10:26 11:11 11:56 12:41 1:26 2:11 2:56 3:43 4:13 4:43 5:13 5:43 6:13 6:53 7:38 8:23 9:08 9:53 10:38
5th & Cantrill 5:56 6:26 6:56 7:26 7:56 8:24 9:09 9:54 10:39 11:24 12:09 12:54 1:29 2:24 3:09 3:56 4:26 4:56 5:26 5:56 6:26 7:06 7:51 8:36 9:21 10:06 10:51
Mace & 2nd 6:06 6:36 7:06 7:36 8:06 8:34 9:19 10:04 10:49 11:34 12:19 1:04 1:49 2:34 3:19 4:06 4:36 5:06 5:36 6:06 6:36 7:16 8:01 8:46 9:31 10:16 11:01
W. Capitol & Enterprise 6:18 6:48 7:18 7:48 8:18 8:45 9:30 10:15 11:00 11:45 12:30 1:15 2:00 2:45 3:30 4:18 4:48 5:18 5:48 6:18 6:48 7:25 8:10 8:55 9:40 10:25 11:10
West Sac TC 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 8:56 9:41 10:26 11:11 11:56 12:41 1:26 2:11 2:56 3:41 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:32 8:17 9:02 9:47 10:32 11:17
J & 8th 6:43 7:13 7:43 8:13 8:43 9:06 9:51 10:36 11:21 12:06 12:51 1:36 2:21 3:06 3:51 4:43 5:13 5:43 6:13 6:43 7:13 7:39 8:24 9:09 9:54 10:39 11:24
L & 5th (Golden 1 Center) 6:48 7:18 7:48 8:18 8:48 9:10 9:55 10:40 11:25 12:10 12:55 1:40 2:25 3:10 3:55 4:48 5:18 5:48 6:18 6:48 7:18 7:43 8:28 9:13 9:58 10:43 11:28
Airport Terminal A 7:05 7:35 8:05 8:35 9:05 9:25 10:10 10:55 11:40 12:25 1:10 1:55 2:40 3:25 4:10 5:05 5:35 6:05 6:35 7:05 7:35 7:58 8:43 9:28 10:13 10:58 11:43
Airport Terminal B 7:07 7:37 8:07 8:37 9:07 9:28 10:13 10:58 11:43 12:28 1:13 1:58 2:43 3:28 4:13 5:07 5:37 6:07 6:37 7:07 7:37 8:01 8:46 9:31 10:16 11:01 11:46
E. Main & Matmor 7:22 7:52 8:22 8:52 9:22 9:41 10:26 11:11 11:56 12:41 1:26 2:11 2:56 3:41 4:26 5:22 5:52 6:22 6:52 7:22 7:52 8:14 8:59 9:44 10:29 11:14 11:59
County Fair Mall Arrive 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 9:48 10:33 11:18 12:03 12:48 1:33 2:18 3:03 3:48 4:33 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:20 9:05 9:50 10:35 11:20 12:05

Click to download the PDF Version Route-42AB-Schedule-Frequency-Timing-2023


Yolobus USA Route 42B Official Website: https://yolobus.com/route/route-42b/


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