Bus Route 64: Beit Rebekah girls’ school ↔ Hanachshul/Mosheh Moshe Bus Stops
- Beit Rebekah girls’ school
- Kathariel Rappaport/Haim Herzog
- Yehuda Halevi/Givati
- Yehuda Halevi/Kiddush Hashem
- Yehuda Halevi/Hebrew Regiment
- The Hebrew Battalion/Margolin
- Margolin/Brandeis
- Health Insurance Fund/Pinskar
- Pinsker/Rothschild
- Ahad ha’am/Itamar ben Av’i
- Jerusalem/Bill’ou
- Jerusalem/Balfour
- Jerusalem/Hachit
- Sderot Ya’akov/Hachelnit
- Sderot Ya’akov/Moridi HaGitaot
- Yigal Alon/Greenspan
- Yigal Alon/Ezekiel the prophet
- Yigal Alon/Mishur
- Yigal Alon/Sderot Nim
- Sderot Nim/Hapalm”
- Hint/the gallows
- Levi Eshkol/Israel Galili
- Levi Eshkol/the wine
- Levi Eshkol/Hadgan
- Levi Eshkol/followers of the nations of the world
- The Nachshul/Operation Moshe
Bus Route 64: Beit Rebekah girls’ school ↔ Hanachshul/Mosheh Moshe Bus Route Map
List of Bus Routes in Jerusalem, Israel
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