Hong Kong KMB (Kowloon Motor Bus) Route / Line: 8P runs between Laguna Verde ↺ Tsim Sha Tsui (Circular) Frequency Timetable
KMB Route 8P: Laguna Verde ↺ Tsim Sha Tsui Bus Stops
- 黃埔花園總站 Whampoa Garden B/T
- 永安廣場 Wing on Plaza
- 尖東站 East Tsim Sha Tsui Station
- 香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre
- 尖沙咀碼頭總站 Star Ferry Bus Terminus
- 尖東站 East Tsim Sha Tsui Station
- 永安廣場 Wing on Plaza
- 紅磡民泰街 Man Tai Street Hung Hom
- 海逸豪園總站 Laguna Verde Bus Terminus
KMB Route 8P: Laguna Verde ↺ Tsim Sha Tsui RouteMap
List of Bus Routes / Lines in Hong Kong
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