ZET (Zagrebački električni tramvaj) Bus Route / Lines 269 – from Borongaj to Sesvetski Kraljevec to Iver in Croatia Bus Station Timetables, Maps, Schedules, Frequency
ZET (Zagreb Electric Tram) Bus Route 269 – Borongaj Lines
BROJ LINIJE (Line Number): 269
NAZIV LINIJE (Line Name): Borongaj to Sesvetski Kraljevec to Iver
Call Center (24Hours): 072 500 400
ZET – BROJ LINIJE (LINE NUMBER): 269 Timetable for RADNI DAN (Weekdays: Monday – Friday)
ZET – BROJ LINIJE (LINE NUMBER): 269 Timetable for SUBOTA (Saturday)
ZET – BROJ LINIJE (LINE NUMBER): 269 Timetable for NEDJELJA (Sunday)
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List of ZET Bus Routes / Lines in Croatia
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